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23 Mill Street, Weld, ME, 04285
Rocky and tree covered mountain

Who Needs a Land Use Permit?

Maine State Statute along with local ordinances requires that anyone expanding the dimensions of any structure must first obtain a permit from the town of Weld. A permit from the town must be obtained before any new construction begins. A couple of exemptions do exist.

1. Any construction associated with the repair of an existing building without changing its dimension is exempt.

2. Any detached utility structure with dimensions less than or equal to 100 square feet in area is exempt. Note: (This does not include outhouses or privies, as they require a permit from a licensed plumbing inspector.)

Definition of structure: is anything built upon the land.

Note: Premanufactured structures have a separate set of rules pertaining to them. Please consult the Code Enforcement Officer before erecting or transporting one of these types of structures onto or off of your land.

The permit process is relatively easy. An application can be obtained at the town office during regular office hours or downloaded from this website. The permit must be filled out completely and returned to the town office along with payment by the first Tuesday of the month.  The Planning Board meets on the second Wednesday of each month. If the permit is complete and meets the conditions of the Town’s ordinances, it will be approved and a copy of the permit will be sent to the applicant.

Please remember that Weld is a beautiful and fragile place. It encompasses Webb Lake and sheds the waters of many brooks and streams. We all need to protect these resources. The town has adopted ordinances to protect them as well. So please consult with the Code Enforcement Officer before conducting any activities adjacent to the resources.

Respectfully submitted as a guide for you by
The municipal officers and the department of Code Enforcement